Kate BushEat the Music


Eat the Musicの歌詞

Split me open
With devotion
You put your hands in
And rip my heart out
Eat the music

Does he conceal
What he really feels?
He's a woman at heart
And I love him for that
Let's split him open

Like a pomegranate
Insides out
All is revealed
Not only women bleed

Take the stone out
Of the mango
You put it in your mouth
And pull a plum out

Take a papaya
You like a guava?
Grab a banana
And a sultana

Rip them to pieces
With sticky fingers
Split the banana
Crush the sultana

Split 'em open
With devotion
You put your hands in
And rip their hearts out

Like a pomegranate
Insides out
He's a woman at heart
And love him for that

Take a papaya
You like a guava?
Grab a banana
And a sultana

Rip them to pieces
With sticky fingers
Split the banana
Crush the sultana

All emotion
And with devotion
You put your hands in
What ya thinking?
What am I singing?
A song of seeds
The food of love
Eat the music


Eat the Musicの楽曲情報

Eat the Music(イート・ザ・ミュージック)は、1993年11月1日に発売された7thアルバム「The Red Shoes」に収録されているシングル。

Kate Bush(ケイト・ブッシュ)の洋楽記事はこちら


CREDITSWritten by Kate Bush
Produced by Kate Bush
Label Columbia Records


