Kate BushThe Man with the Child in His Eyes


The Man with the Child in His Eyesの歌詞

I hear him, before I go to sleep
And focus on the day that's been
I realise he's there
When I turn the light off and turn over

Nobody knows about my man
They think he's lost on some horizon
And suddenly I find myself
Listening to a man I've never known before
Telling me about the sea
Oh, his love is 'til eternity

Oh, he's here again
The man with the child in his eyes
Oh, he's here again
The man with the child in his eyes

He's very understanding
And he's so aware of all my situations
When I stay up late
He's always waiting, but I feel him hesitate

Oh, I'm so worried about my love
They say, "No, no, it won't last forever"
And here I am again, my girl
Wondering what on earth I'm doing here
Maybe he doesn't love me
I just took a trip on my love for him

Oh, he's here again
The man with the child in his eyes
Oh, he's here again
The man with the child in his eyes


The Man with the Child in His Eyesの楽曲情報

The Man with the Child in His Eyes(少年の瞳を持った男)は、1978年2月17日に発売されたデビュー・アルバム「The Kick Inside(天使と小悪魔)」に収録されているシングル。

Kate Bush(ケイト・ブッシュ)の洋楽記事はこちら


CREDITSWritten by Kate Bush
Produced by Andrew Powell / David Gilmour
Label EMI Records